19 February, 2015

Sweet Spot Base - Low Volume - Saptamana 1

Am terminat prima saptamana de antrenament cu TrainerRoad. A fost prima saptamana din cele 6 dedicate reacomodarii la efort. Primul lucru care trebuie facut inaintea inceperii oricarui plan de antrenament, este stabilirea Functional Threshold Power (FTP). 

Acest test l-am facut undeva prin Decembrie si am stabilit FTP-ul la 157. Nu am modificat acest FTP si am mers pe varianta default la 200, gandindu-ma ca fiind perioada de acumulare si nu vin chiar cu o baza zero, n-ar strica ca Trainer Road sa traga putin mai tare de mine, macar in primele saptamani. In timp, am ajuns la concluzia ca am gresit total, acest FTP de 200 cravasandu-ma aproape de fiecare data, insa din saptamana a doua, categoric voi umbla la setari si am sa reduc valorile la 157.

*** Week 1 ***
This first week is dedicated to assessing your current fitness, somewhat familiarizing you with the Sweet Spot intensity level & then dialing back the intensity to work on your pedaling form during the longer weekend ride.

Week 1 Tips:
Make a sincere effort to be well rested just prior to assessing your fitness. Attempting to accurately assess fitness when tired from previous training or other outside stressors is counterproductive and can later limit your rate of improvement.

But even when well-rested, some riders might not ride to their full potentials during a formal assessment risking an underestimated FTP.

In this case, use the second workout of this week to nail down your highest sustainable power via 3x12-minute repeats. If you find that you can exceed your assessment's estimated FTP all 3 times, increase your profile's FTP accordingly.

Following a total of 28 minutes of warm-up, a couple of 8-minute time trials are used to assess Functional Threshold Power (FTP) & Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR). The recovery interval between assessment efforts is 10 minutes.

Use any cadence that suits you, but if you're pedaling slower than 80 rpm it's in your best interest to increase your cadence over the course of your training.

This workout can also serve as a workout in its own right and will target muscular endurance and optimal aerobic power output during the two 8-minute time trials.

This workout could also be used to improve short-duration pacing strategies for short time trials or prologues, perhaps even downhill MTB races.

By following a strictly structured assessment protocol, riders can assess/reassess possible changes in fitness at any time of training season as long as they're rested and motivated.

These short efforts attempt to measure power at VO2max and can serve as a measure of your optimal aerobic power output as well as a measure of FTP, once reduced.

Try to allow full recovery prior to performing an assessment workout by scheduling it at the end of a recovery week or following 2-3 days of full rest and/or active recovery.

There should be a high level of consistency between efforts, but if there is a substantial power output margin, perhaps greater than 5 %, this might indicate poor aerobic fitness due to a low ability to recover quickly between maximal efforts.

3x12-minute intervals @ 85 % FTP with 3-minute recoveries between intervals. Cadence will vary from 20 rpm below your natural cadence to 10 rpm above it but will never be lower than 70 rpm.
Climbing specialists should consider elevating their front wheel and time trial specialists/multisport athletes should spend tolerable periods of time in their aero position.

Increase your ability to keep power on the pedals for longer periods of time, i.e. strength/muscular endurance; improve your ability to climb faster & longer, face stiff winds, ride faster for longer; target specific attributes you want to improve outdoors, e.g. climbing, time trialing, riding lower.

90 minutes of non-stop aerobic conditioning where the effort changes based on cadence. Effectively a fixed-gear trainer ride with low to moderate effort levels that primarily utilize fat as the fuel source.

Increase aerobic fitness via numerous physiological adaptations that improve the body's ability to utilize fat for energy and spare sugar stores; improve pedal efficiency through high-rpm spinning & improve muscular control & joint integrity via low-rpm grinding.
Cadence should vary at least +/- 20 rpm from your self-selected cadence, e.g. if you typically ride at 90 rpm then your rpm range will be 70-110. The greater your capabilities, the greater this rpm range.


  1. scuze, acum am observat in imagini ceva cu un TACX. Daca vrei sa fii sigur ca masuratorile sunt cat mai constante, ai grija sa umfli roata spate la aceasi presiune inainte de fiecare antrenament.

    Numai bine,

  2. Salut Florin. Iti imaginezi ca nu stau zilnic sa umflu roata. O verific odata pe saptamana. N-am rabdarea necesara s-o fac zilnic.
