06 March, 2015

Sweet Spot Base - Low Volume - Saptamana 2

Am dus la bun sfarsit si a doua saptamana de antrenament cu TrainerRoad. Schimbari majore in antrenament incepand cu cea de a doua (din cele trei) sesiune de antrenament, moment cand am hotarat sa cobor FTP-ul la 159. Primul antrenament al saptamanii, Goddard, a fost facut cu FTP-ul 200 si s-a vazut ca inca nu pot sa duc atat.

Dupa 10 intervale a cate 30 de secunde cu 90 de secunde pauza intre ele, mi s-au cam taiat picioarele. Tot in aceeasi sesiune ar fi trebuit sa fac si ILT (Isolated Leg Trainig), insa mi-a fost aproape imposibil de facut, datorita problemelor de la schimbatorul de viteze, care nu reusea sa-mi urce pe ultimul pinion. Incepand cu celelalte doua sesiuni, lucrurile s-au schimbat simtitor, FTP-ul de 159 a facut ca munca mea sa fie ceva mai lejera (cum ma gandesc ca ar si trebui sa fie, dat fiind inca o perioada de reacomodare la efort). Totusi, inclin sa cred ca acest 159, este cam mic, asa ca de abia astept ca la sfarsitul celor 6 saptamani din Sweet Spot Base sa pot reface testul pentru stabilirea corecta a FTP-ului. Am cam lungit, trebuie sa recunosc aceasta a doua saptamana, din lipsa de timp, insa am profitat intr-o duminica ceva mai calduroasa (10 grade C) si am dat o fuga pana la Uzunu. A fost prima iesire pe 2015 si am plecat cu gandul de e merge usurel, fara sa trag prea tare, si sa testez GoPro-ul. Cand am ajuns acasa am observat ca in realitate am avut o medie de 81% la bpm (151 bpm), mai mare decat as fi vrut, dar asta este, nicio nenorocire.

Pe 15 martie incepe sezonul competitional si pentru mine. Urban Trail XCC la Romexpo, un concurs organizat de cei de la Riders Club. Ne vedem acolo.

*** Week 2 ***
After a healthy dose of form drills including isolated leg training (ILT), form sprints & cadence spin-ups, the remainder of your week will be dedicated to accumulating time in the Sweet Spot.
Two of this week's 3 workouts will subject you to increasingly longer periods of moderate-intensity muscle endurance work paving the way for later improvements in your ability to sustain higher power output for longer lengths of time.

Week 1 Tips:
Sprinting isn't just about leg strength and big quads. Power is both strength and speed so learn to be fast and not just strong. No successful sprinter wins by turning a big gear slowly, rather sprint victories come by turning a pretty big gear really quickly. Learn to do this while seated and practice it until it's pretty every time.

All sorts of form work including ILT (Isolated Leg Training), Form Sprints & Cadence Spin-Ups.

After 3x3 - minute ILT drills you'll face 10x30 - second Form Sprints with 90 seconds of rest between each. Then, you'll see another, shorter round of ILT (3x2 - minute steps) and finish with 2x6 - minute Cadence Spin-Ups with 3 minutes or recovery between them.

Improvements in form are the name of Goddard's game. Not only will you have the chance to target improvements in speed endurance, but you'll practice keeping tension on the chain and more consistent power to the pedals during the single-leg drills.

Remember, even the smallest improvements in pedal economy, i.e. how hard you work for each pedalstroke, are magnified hundreds, even thousands of times. So pay attention and make each drill matter, it will be worth it.

During the ILT drills, strive to raise your cadence to 85+ rpm over time, but only spin as fast as you can control without 'knocking'. Form sprints can be extremely quick but again, only as fast as you can control - NO bouncing. Same goes for the spin-ups: fast, faster, all-out, but no bouncing, no joint pain.

Monitor is 6x6 - minute intervals of rolling Sweet Spot (88 - 94% FTP) riding to address aerobic fitness with well over a half-hour's worth of time at intensity.

2-minute recoveries separate the intervals.


Monitor primarily aims to further aerobic efficiency via Sweet Spot efforts by improving glycogen storage capacity, fat utilization, and the capacity for more intense workouts later on while increasing power output at moderate intensities.

Additionally, you can work to improve pedal economy by increasing natural cadence and reinforcing proper pedaling mechanics.

Fast pedaling drills are incorporated into several intervals in order to target pedal economy and to shift some stress off the muscles with a quick, lower-force spin.

Try to keep your spin above 85 rpm and follow the on-screen pedaling drills to the best of your ability.

Antelope is 5x10 - minute Sweet Spot interval (88 - 94% FTP) where riders spend incrementally longer periods of time in an aerodynamic position.

5 minutes of recovery separate intervals.


The primary aim of Sweet Spot work is to further aerobic efficiency by improving glycogen storage capacity, fat utilization, and your capacity for more intense workouts later on while increasing power output at moderate intensities.

Additionally, Antelope seeks to improve your ability to sustain power in an aerodynamic position en route to finding the optimal balance between power production & aerodynamic body positioning.

Cadence can be as low as 70 rpm and as high as 105 rpm depending on the duration & intensity of your target event as well as your typical time trial/aero leg speed.

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